So the very first snow of the season finally fell this week covering the streets in sparkles and sending Hubby's car all over the road. I have officially said goodbye to the sun and the few remaining summery things found in my chest of drawers and will be spending from now until May wrapped up in my snow suit a fluffy boots.
My outfit looks just like this, honest.
Snow marks the start of runny noses, sore bums from icy falls and hat hair thanks to the ever loved woolly hat. It also however marks the start of the Christmas season with its many Crimbo parties, friends reunions and (for some) church going all of which should be done with something a bit fancier than a deer stalker or a beanie and so I give a little inspiration for all the snow queens out there.
This is a snowball right?
In other news Aka Tombo Millinery was featured in the P&J newspaper today so all you in the North East (of Scotland) go grab yourself a copy.